Below is a list of titles that can be purchased. If you would like to purchase one, please email the titles that you are interested in to, and I will send a link to a Paypal account and request your information so that I can send you the appropriate title. Current availability is listed (note: some titles are only available to current students and MAM practitioners). Anything that is considered coursework for currently enrolled students will be listed as SOLD OUT, as no copies are sold outside of students for that term. *Students and MAMP: With your email, you must send your name and the class/classes you attend(ed).
Interacting with the Scientists and Winning ($500.00, 434 pgs, SOLD OUT, MAMP only)
Science and MAM ($300.00, 237 pgs, MAMP only)
Manual for the Malicious Animal Magnetism Practitioner ($150.00, 280 pgs, students and MAMP only)
Introspection and Retrospection: Father's Analysis of Life Before and After Christian Science ($50.00, pamphlet, students and MAMP only)
A Course in MAM Practice ($50.00, 187 pgs, students only)
MAM Practice for Beginners ($50.00, 487 pgs, students only)
Textbook: Malicious Animal Magnetism for Every Day ($30.00, 562 pgs, SOLD OUT, students only)
Lab Text: Processes, Exercises, and Coursework ($30.00, 128 pgs, SOLD OUT, students only)
Science and Malicious Animal Malpractice ($25.00, 123 pgs)
Introduction to Malicious Animal Malpractice ($15.00, 117pgs)
A Guide to Getting What You Want (with MAM) ($10.00, pamphlet, SOLD OUT)