Frequently Asked Questions

MAM-specific Questions

What is Malicious Animal Magnetism?
It's easiest when one thinks of it as a sort of power that they can use to make powerful changes in their lives. Discovered in the late 1800s by Mary Baker Eddy, the founder of Christian Science.

How can MAM benefit my life?
In a variety of ways. I have seen people's lives improved in all sorts of ways by using this powerful, almost energetic system. I have seen people's health, wealth, and success increased in amazing proportions--more so than I have ever seen in any other mind-transformation system.

Do I have to believe in MAM for it to work?
Whether or not you believe in MAM is irrelevant. It exists whether you want it to or not. Your job is simply to harness its power and to make it work to your advantage. And with a little practice--very little practice--you will find your life improving in all sorts of ways right before your very eyes.

Must you believe in God to use the power of MAM?
No. There is no need to recognize any sort of supernatural deity in order to use MAM. MAM is like gravity, which can also be utilized by scientists to create spaceships and satellites (even without a belief in a deity). I have seen atheists use this force just as well as any so-called Christian.

Christian Science-specific Questions

Do I need to know anything about Christian Science or Mary Baker Eddy to study MAM?
Absolutely not! Though I have found it easier to teach Christian Scientists the art of using MAM, even those who are completely unaware of Christian Science can learn how to utilize the innate powers of MAM with relative ease. At the same time, I do want to add that those who are experienced with Christian Science (and those experienced with what might be considered Animal Magnetism) will certainly have an easier time understanding how to use MAM).

Isn't Malicious Animal Magnetism wicked?
No. There is nothing innately wrong or wicked about MAM. The name itself derives from the name it was given by its discoverer, Mary Baker Eddy. For many years, Eddy's enemies used MAM against her, and ultimately killed her with it. Therein lies where most of her objections were. However, Eddy was not able to see the more beneficial sides of MAM, and ultimately was never exposed to the scientific truths of this phenomenon.

Why are you no longer a Christian Scientist?
Though I studied Christian Science for many years, and owe a great debt to its founder, Mary Baker Eddy, I came to discover that there was much more power in the force which she had discovered known as MAM. I also discovered that, in her lifetime, she had denied and fought against this incredible power. In her denial of this power, I think she was unable to grasp its immensity and significance and ultimately was unable to grasp an incredible truth about this universe.

How did you come to discover Malicious Animal Magnetism?
As a former Christian Scientist, I was devoted to reading Christian Science literature, much of which covered the topic of MAM. During my studies, and my healings, I came across many of Eddy's early writings on the topic and discovered that MAM had even been strong enough to destroy, by her own account, Eddy's very life (and her husband's life). Like Eddy, I believe that proof is in demonstration, and when I discovered that powerful demonstration, I decided that I needed to test MAM out for myself. To my surprise, I discovered that it was more powerful than anything our Mother (Eddy) had ever led us to believe, and I know for a fact that MAM has more powerful results than anything I have ever seen a Scientist achieve. This has led to my strong conviction in the powers of MAM.

Do you interpret Malicious Animal Magnetism as Mary Baker Eddy and Christian Scientists do?
Not exactly. However, I recognize that this is a truth that Mary Baker Eddy realized in her lifetime, and it is through that discovery that I have been able to make my advances in understanding. I owe all my work to Mary Baker Eddy. However, because I believe the nature of the materials Christian Scientists use to be flawed in their interpretation of MAM, I cannot appropriately call myself of Christian Scientist. However, I do consider myself a scientists, since I have demonstrated the power of these ideas beyond anything that can be demonstrated by any Christian Scientist that I have ever witnessed (and even those that I have read about in the Christian Science literature).

Do you believe Christian Scientists and Mary Baker Eddy are wrong?
Mary Baker Eddy clearly was constantly evolving and transforming her work as she came to more clarity about the nature of the universe. The First Edition of Science and Health is very different from the last, and Eddy was known by her secretaries for making changes as she gleamed some insight or another. That said, it is no surprise that MAM, being something that she had such issue with, would be something that she might have great difficulty allowing herself to understand, and though I do not fault her for that, I think it is just something she did not have time to reveal. Had she not been destroyed by MAM, it's likely she would have had a revelation about it that she would have been able to share with her followers.

Do you have to accept matter to work with MAM?
You do not have to accept that matter is a reality. However, in order to work with MAM, you must acknowledge MAM as a reality.

What distinguishes between Animal Magnetism and Malicious Animal Magnetism?
Malicious Animal Magnetism was originally coined to represent the magnetist who manipulated some person or situation for personal gain and with the recognition that one was choosing to acknowledge matter, even having comprehended that there is no such thing as matter. As a MAM practitioner, I acknowledge the lack of reality of matter, though I practice MAM all the same. An Animal Magnetist usually believes in the full reality of matter or is at least ignorant in what they are doing. MAM practitioners are not ignorant of what they are doing in the slightest. What we do is science.

I heard Mary Baker Eddy never actually used the phrase "Malicious Animal Magnetism" but instead used words such as "mental malpractice" and "animal magnetism."
For some reason that I am not sure, various students have approached me with this. I think this issue stems from a lack of knowledge of Mary Baker Eddy's full body of literature. My reply is simply as follows: I know for a fact that she used it in publications, including the articles "Effects of Malicious Animal Magnetism" and "Malicious Animal Magnetism" (both by Eddy and appearing in the Christian Science Journal). She also uses the phrase in Miscellaneous Writings. At the same time, I do acknowledge that she occasionally uses other phrases interchangeably.

Why do you call your work Malicious Animal Magnetism, Key to the Scriptures?
Most know of Mary Baker Eddy's most important work as Science and Health with a Key to the Scriptures. However, in Adam Dickey's biography of Eddy, it is revealed that Eddy wanted to retitle it Science and Health, Key to the Scriptures, as the book, Science and Health, was the key to the scriptures. According to Dickey, she decided against changing it because her lawyers feared it would affect the book's copyright. For that reason, I will usually refer to Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures as Science and Health, Key to the Scriptures, as I feel it is more accurate. As for the title of my work, Malicious Animal Magnetism, Key to the Scriptures, I use that as a play on her title and a recognition that much of my work has come through my analysis of Eddy's writings (i.e., the scriptures).